
Lacey Hamann

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just for fun︎︎︎

digital pictograms / 2018
virtual insanity 

Virtual Insanity is a set of pictograms designed to inform consumers which bodily discomforts are interfering with their virtual presence after an extended period of use. Designed with easily recognized digital icons, Virtual Insanity provides an informative and aesthetically appealing visual line of communication to the user. Using a VR system’s optical display screen, a corresponding icon illustrates symptoms such as: nausea, fatigue, hunger, dehydration, and waste.
These bodily distractions, monitored through a VR sensor, can additionally be serviced through a maintenance system that includes: intravenous fluid, waste appliance, and a lubricating solution. Users are notified of which bodily interference is pending, as well as which corresponding service requires purchase (illustrated in the ‘Virtual Maintenance icons’ as depicted with ‘$$$’). Virtual Insanity ensures the consumer will be provided the highest immersive experience yet to be offered.
