
Lacey Hamann
Senior Designer

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Data Visualization Blog
Web Design & Copywriting / 2023

I embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between complex medical data and patient understanding for individuals battling prostate cancer. Through meticulous design and an empathetic approach, I crafted a webpage and a blog post dedicated to data visualization tailored specifically for these patients. 

The journey began with extensive involvement in test groups, where I engaged directly with prostate cancer patients, caregivers, and medical professionals. Listening intently to their experiences and challenges, I gained invaluable insights into the intricacies of their needs and preferences when it came to understanding medical data.

Ultimately, this project exemplifies the transformative impact of design in healthcare, demonstrating how thoughtful visualization can empower patients, enhance communication between stakeholders, and ultimately improve health outcomes. It stands as a testament to my dedication to creating meaningful design solutions that make a positive difference in people's lives.